Some people say that having a dog around a small child is not a good idea. Especially when it comes to the breed of dogs with not the best reputation. Most likely, the leaders in this category are pit bulls, which many people perceive as unpredictable and dangerous dogs.
Well, for this mom in California, her pit bull is nothing more than a hero. And it could not be otherwise, after the selfless dog managed to save her human sister’s lif.
According to the mother, Latana Chai, her baby Masayla and her dog Sasha have always been an inseparable couple. They were born different days, they even shared the same bed. But their special, unbreakable connection became visible when a fire broke out in their building.
A few minutes after midnight, on Saturday, Sasha had a very unusual behavior. “I heard it was a strong blow,” I said. “What is happening”: I heard Sasha cry as he continued to jump at the door. “As soon as I reached the door, he ran inside and started barking,” Latana said, as reported by Kare 11.
When the woman opened the door for Sasha, the dog ran straight to the baby’s room. Then Latana noticed smoke coming from the ceiling, a fire coming from their neighbor’s house.
She soon realized the danger, and the mother hurried to her daughter’s room. But to her surprise, Sasha already grabbed Masailah by the diaper and pulling her to safety.
The family attributes Sasha’s early warning bark to keeping them safe. This story proves once again that it is not about the breed, but about how the dog grows up. Because all dogs are loyal, smart and cute.
Find out more about this heroic dog and her life-saving actions in the video bellow!